IMZ Music Services
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Concert and Liner Notes

Here is a description of the materials we create for our clients. Each project is tailored to the needs of the individual client.

All orchestras, chamber groups, soloists and vocalists require a simple and clear format in which to present their program or CD playlist to their audience. Scrupulous attention is paid to details of particular editions. A formatted program page is provided, reflecting the most authentic edition of the score.

Instrumental performance projects

We provide instrumental performance materials that include complete program or liner notes for that engagement or recording. Length or wordcount is specified by the client.

Vocal performance projects

We provide vocal performance materials that include complete program or liner notes PLUS complete song/aria texts and English translations. Length or wordcount of vocal texts is not flexible, but the client may specify the wordcount of the notes.

Genre or composer-specific

Do you need documentation on an instrument, composer, or orchestration options? Click on the link below to go directly to the research projects page for details!

Articles for performances, repertoire, and planning

How to Order

Just give us a call, write or e-mail us. Fees are quoted on an individual basis and are reasonable.

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website content © 2002-2011 Ileen Zovluck
updated 12/12/11